We are excited for the upcoming school year and welcoming students no matter where they are learning.
Back-to-School Plan
Update Pending...
Mon-Thu: 9:00am - 3:35pm
Drop Off: 8:30am - 9:00am
Pickup: 3:35pm - 3:55pm
Fridays: 9:00am - 2:35pm
Drop Off: 8:30am - 9:00am
Pickup: 2:35pm - 2:55pm
Drop-off Procedures
Dropping off: Carline
Families are encouraged to primarily utilize carline for dropping off. Please follow the traffic flow directions graphic below in the Traffic Rules section.
Carline volunteers will assist your children in exiting from the passenger side of the vehicle.
Doors will open at 8:30 and students may wait in the music room until dismissed to their classrooms. Carline volunteers will assist your children in exiting from the passenger side of the vehicle.
All students will travel independently to their assigned areas.
For traffic safety reasons, students must exit from the passenger side of the vehicle. If your vehicle cannot accommodate students entering from the passenger side, we ask that you park and drop off your student using the instructions below.
Dropping off: Parking lot
Parents/ guardians who prefer parking are expected to escort students. Parents/ guardians are expected to remain with students until the student enters the school building safely.
Dropping off: Walkers
Info Pending
Pick-up Procedures
Pick-up: All modes
A school-issued pick-up card is required to pick up students at dismissal. A pick-up card is a colored card with the student’(s’) name and is displayed in the parent’s/ guardian’s dashboard for carline pick-up or held in hand for parents picking up from the parking lot. Parents/ guardians without the pick-up card will be directed to park (if driving), enter the building, and go to the main office to officially sign-out their children. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE PERMITTED.
Carpools: Customized carpool cards should be requested by the front office secretary (with all members of the carpool cc’ed in the message). Once permission is verified, carpool cards will be sent home with students in their Thursday folder.
Alternate pick-up arrangements: If you have scheduled alternate pick-up arrangements for your child (ie. your child is going home with a friend or alternate caregiver) please notify the office by sending an email to the administrative secretary (Regina.Chadwick@fcps.org).
Pick-up: Carline
Families are encouraged to primarily utilize the carline for pick up. Please follow the traffic flow directions graphic below in the Traffic Rules section.
All students will travel independently to their assigned areas.
Your student(s) pick-up card must be placed on the dashboard of the vehicle so the student(s) name(s) is unobstructed allowing the carline caller to read and radio your student’s name for dismissal.
For traffic safety reasons, students must enter from the passenger side of the vehicle. If your vehicle cannot accommodate students entering from the passenger side, we ask that you park and pick-up your student using the instructions below.
Pick-up: Parking lot
Parents/ guardians may park and walk to the designated area to request their children be called by the attendant for dismissal.
Parents/ guardians must present their children’s pick-up card (s) before student(s) will be called to the awning.
Preschool dismissal
Parents/ guardians must park in the lot and walk to the designated area to request their children be called by the attendant for dismissal. Parents/ guardians must present their children’s or carpool’s pick-up card(s) before student(s) can be called.
Entering the building during arrival/ dismissal
Parents/ guardians are encouraged to avoid entering the building during the busy arrival and dismissal times to ensure student safety and efficiency. Parents/ guardians who enter the building must proceed directly to the office to sign-in.
Students must be signed out in the office if leaving before the end of the school day.
Traffic Rules
MVMPCS is required by the City of Frederick to adhere to the following traffic flow. Please take note of this traffic flow and notify anyone picking up or dropping off students.