MVMPCS provides a specialized Montessori education for students from 3 years old to 12th grade*. Featuring multi-age classrooms, hands-on materials, stimulating field trips, and the peace curriculum, MVMPCS is a MDSE 5 Star School, fostering independence and love of learning in all of our students. *Beginning with the 2023-24 school year, MVMPCS will be expanding to include grades 9-12. The first class of 60 9th graders began with the 2023-2024 school year, with an additional class added each year until full enrollment.

what we do
more with less
Unlike traditional schools, charter schools do not receive separate funding for facilities. This means that unlike traditional schools, MVM must rely on operating funds or special fundraising to pay for capital improvements, repairs, mortgages, leases or other capital costs.
what we give
We give our time
Volunteering is a valuable and vital contribution toward the continued success of our charter school. Each family is asked to log 30 hours/school year (10 hours per single parent/guardian family.) If each family volunteers and logs their hours, MVM will thrive.
how we give
we pledge our support
MVMPCS also needs monetary donations to bridge our funding gap. We aim to raise approximately $40,000 each year through fundraisers and direct donations. If each family makes a $250 donation to our annual fund ($150 per single parent/guardian family,) MVM will thrive.