Hearing & Vision Screening Pre-k, K, 1st grade, 8th grade

Hearing and Vision Screening will take place on the dates of April 7th and 8th, 2022 for all students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, 1st grade, 8th grade, and new enterers to the Maryland public school system.  Maryland State Law mandates this screening. Parents/guardians who have an objection to this screening based on the tenets and/or practice of their church or religion must submit a request for their child to be exempt from screening. All written requests must be submitted to the health room by April 1st. Please make sure if your child wears glasses or contacts that they have them on the screening days. If you have any questions please contact the health room at 240-566-6108.

The event is finished.



MMCI schools provide a free Montessori education to more than 700 Frederick County students. Charter schools already have less access to funding per student than other public schools, and recent funding cuts mean that our contributions are key to ensuring the continued success of our schools.
